How To Increase Your Website Traffic — To Make More Sales

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5 min readSep 19, 2013

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Strategies For More Website Traffic

There are many different strategies you can put into effect to get more website traffic, but not all of them will be long term or beneficial. You want the right strategy to begin with so you don’t waste your time. What you need to consider when thinking “more traffic,” is what do I need to do to give my website more exposure to more people in my niche. Of course you can never have enough visitors but what it really boils down to is how can these visitors convert to orders and are they the right visitors?

The best way to get more exposure and therefore more website traffic is to be ranked on the first page of Google and preferably near the top for your targeted keyword. The top website on page one for any given keyword in the organic section (not the ads) receives approximately 42% of the visitors. The second website down gets 12% and the third about 8% right down to the bottom sites which get about 3% of the clicks.

It’s the top three or four websites that get most of the traffic and this is what you as a website owner need to strive for. To rank easy keywords on the top of page one is fairly easy, but the competitive keywords take more time and effort. When you apply this extra effort, congruent to Googles policies, your site and it’s ranking will continue to gain favor with the world’s largest search engine.

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Most Important Thing To Do In Order To Gain More Website Traffic

So what’s the first thing you need to do before you begin the process of getting more website traffic by ranking your website on the top of page one? The answer is proper keyword research.

There are many keywords that you “think” might produce lots of website traffic but in actual fact, they are a waste of time to try to rank for as they produce no real traffic at all, they just look good on the top of page one. That’s why it’s very important to do proper keyword research first. You must find keywords in your niche that are 1) relevant 2) produce traffic 3) have low competition and 4) a high commercial value (will they convert to buyers).

When you have your list of keywords, place them strategically into an article or post so that the ranking process can begin. As you can see it does take a little time and planning but when done correctly your website traffic will continue increasing as your website moves up the rankings.

Below is a quick description of what strategies you need to deploy in order to move up the rankings fast and begin to gain more website traffic.

Article Marketing:

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You will need to write at least 6 to 10 articles based on the keyword you’re targeting and submit them to several article directories. Make sure you place the keywords in the title and anchor text. Vary the anchor text wording on every link slightly and link them to “relevant content (which is on page optimized) on your website” or stay in the same niche neighborhood for them to be most effective.

Make sure that the content you write is unique and at least 350 to 450 words with no keyword stuffing. The best articles are the ones that provide some value or answer a question so keep that in mind because you want to offer people value so they keep reading.

Social Media:

Make sure your website has a Facebook Fan page, Twitter account, LinkedIn, Google+ and a Myspace page at the minimum. Place your website links on all of them. You can tweet your article link on Twitter, and if it gets a lot of retweets your rankings will get a boost.

Social Bookmarking:

Use social bookmarking sites which let you organize other articles and websites you find beneficial. Users share them with friends which can help you go viral. Some of the largest social bookmarking sites include: Pintrest, Reddit, BuzzFeed, StumbleUpon, Delicious and Digg.

Press Releases:

Using Press Releases are a great way to get more website traffic fast. You can submit the same release to multiple News Sites. Because news sites are seen as authority sites in Googles eye’s, they will improve your rankings. When you publish a press release to a couple of news sites, it will go viral and even show up on websites you didn’t submit to which will increase your website traffic.


Google owns YouTube and it’s the second largest visited site on the planet so make sure you have a YouTube account and make some simple videos either on your PC or using a camcorder. Don’t make them too long generally 2.5 to 5 minutes maximum. Upload your videos using one keyword in the title, description and tag area. In the description, always start off with your link.

There are many tactics you can use to help your videos get more views which I don’t have time to explain here but what I will say is keep adding a sentence to the description at least once every week and then ping it on something like mass-ping to keep the content fresh. You can also load it into a high traffic site like Globalblast to get more views. Always mass-ping your links when you’re finished with everything you do including articles.

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In Conclusion

If you’re consistent and do the correct keyword research first, then apply the above strategies and gain backlinks from relevant high “page rank” sites and keep chipping away everyday, your website traffic will begin to increase as you move up the rankings for your keywords.



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